Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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From plaiho@vipunen (Pertti V P Laiho) Mon Jan 4 14:41:14 1993
X-VM-v5-Data: ([nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil]
["2974" "Sun" "3" "January" "1993" "12:18:18" "GMT" "Pertti V P Laiho" "plaiho@vipunen.hut.fi " nil "90" "Re: ___ ROL format ___" "^From:" nil nil "1"])
Newsgroups: comp.music
Message-ID: <1993Jan3.121818.19942@nntp.hut.fi>
Nntp-Posting-Host: vipunen.hut.fi
Reply-To: plaiho@vipunen.hut.fi (Pertti V P Laiho)
Organization: Helsinki University of Technology
References: <721@vercors.frec.bull.fr>
Lines: 90
From: plaiho@vipunen.hut.fi (Pertti V P Laiho)
Subject: Re: ___ ROL format ___
Date: Sun, 3 Jan 1993 12:18:18 GMT
In article <721@vercors.frec.bull.fr> frank@mapd.frec.bull.fr () writes:
>Does anyone have the details of .ROL files used by AdLib and compatible
>cards on PC? I need it for my Turbo C ROL editor...
OK. Here it is...
From: holmes@mrx.webo.dg.com (Chris Holmes)
Subject: Adlib .ROL file format
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 92 12:04:43 GMT
I requested this a while back and got a couple of requests for a summary,
so here goes:
Files containing note information (i.e. songs) are suffixed with ".ROL".
("File version" and "editing scale" are non-musical information used by Visual
Composer (TM).)
Structure of .ROL files:
fld # size type description
1 2 int file version, major
2 2 int file version, minor
3 40 char unused
4 2 int ticks per beat
5 2 int beats per measure
6 2 int editing scale (Y axis)
7 2 int editing scale (X axis)
8 1 char unused
9 1 char 0 = percussive mode
1 = melodic mode
10 90 char unused
11 38 char filler
12 15 char filler
13 4 float basic tempo
Field 14 indicates the number of times to repeat fields 15 and 16:
14 2 int number of tempo events
15 2 int time of events, in ticks
16 4 float tempo multiplier (0.01 - 10.0)
The remaining fields (17 to 34) are to be repeated for each of 11 voices:
17 15 char filler
18 2 int time (in ticks) of last note +1
Repeat the next two fields (19 and 20) while the summation of field 20 is
less than the value of field 18:
19 2 int note number: 0 => silence
from 12 to 107 => normal note (you must
subtract 60 to obtain the correct value
for the sound driver)
20 2 int note duration, in ticks
21 15 char filler
Field 22 indicates the number of times to repeat fields 23 to 26:
22 2 int number of instrument events
23 2 int time of events, in ticks
24 9 char instrument name
25 1 char filler
26 2 int unused
27 15 char filler
Field 28 indicates the number of times to repeat fields 29 and 30:
28 2 int number of volume events
29 2 int time of events, in ticks
30 4 float volume multiplier (0.0 - 1.0)
31 15 char filler
Field 32 indicates the number of times to repeat fields 33 and 34:
32 2 int number of pitch events
33 2 int time of events, in ticks
34 4 float pitch variation (0.0 - 2.0, nominal is 1.0)
Fields #1 and #2 should be set to 0 and 4 respectively. Field #10 should
be filled with zeros.
a 4 byte 'float' in the 80x86 family look like follows:
Sign biased
-bit exponent significant
31 30..23 22..0
`- here an implicite "1." is assumed
exponent bias = 127 (0x7F)
eg. 0.5 = 1* 2^(-1) ==> sign=0, exp=127-1, signif=(1.)0000000
10987654 32109876 54321098 76543210
33222222 22221111 11111100 00000000
0 0000000 00000000 00000000
0111111 0